Monday, April 16, 2012

Winners for challenge 140

Thanks to all of you who entered our Easter and /or pastel colours challenge.

Our Random Winner is
#114 Helen, who wins the prize from

Care 2 Stamp

Please contact us with 10 days to claim your prize

This week, we had a fantastic entry from Alex Tomlinson, who is 6 years old. Alex, we have this badge for you. We hope to see you back soon.


Thanks to all that played along


  1. Oh my gosh. Thanks so much for making me into the top 3 and congrats to the winner and the other toppers as well;) wooohoooo:):)

  2. Oooh...I won! Yippee!
    Thanks so much - I'll email you now! :0)
    Helen x


Thank you for taking the time to join in one of our Incy Wincy Designs Challenges :)
Hope to see you for our next challenge !!
Good luck :)